Ayuntamiento Palma de Mallorca


The former court of law and today's town hall of the city of Palma is located in Plaza de Cort. It is the central point where you can particularly feel the flair of this vibrant city.

Gothic, baroque and modernist style elements were combined, which blend harmoniously.

In front of the town hall there is a stone bench on the facade, the so-called “Bank of the Lazy”. It got its name a long time ago. In earlier times, many residents are said to have sat on the bench to enjoy the sun. Unfortunately, they forgot to go to work. And so it happened that the bank had its name from then on.

And the facade on the portal of the town hall hides another little secret. Many locals and tourists ask who will see them first.

This means “Dragon” 🦎 and “Caracol” 🐌.


A friendly employee of the town hall briefly explains the anecdote about the little dragon and the snail to us: According to this, two of the builders are said to have had the same last name, Dragon and Caracol. The stonemasons had fun and immortalized the funny fellows on the facade.

And if you stand in front of the town hall and turn around, you will see S'Olivera. The estimated 6 century old olive tree provides shade to many people every year and is probably the most photographed olive tree on the island.


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